In order to make sure that it is run efficiently the Laguna Beach Police Department is divided into two main branches, Field Services and Support Services. Each of these branches is then subdivided into several sections. The branch that performs most of the traditional policing duties is Field Services, it is made up mainly of uniformed officers. There are six sergeants assigned to the branch who act as watch commanders and to supervise the traffic unit.
Field Services are divided into several sections, these are:
Patrol – This section is made up entirely of uniformed police officers. Each officer is assigned to patrol a specific area and responds to calls and trouble spots.
Traffic – This section is made up officers on motorcycles, they are mainly responsible for enforcing traffic laws and investigating accidents. Officers in this section also provide support for officers in the patrol section when necessary.
Community Outreach – This section helps the police department to be visible in the community and provides things like crime prevention training.
Beach Patrol – This Section enforces the law on the city’s beaches.
Jail Facility– provides the guards for the city jail.
Special Services – This unit handles both the parking enforcement officers as well as managing the Citizens on Patrol program.
In addition to the departments listed above the field services branch also manage the reserve division which provides support to the full time officers when necessary.
The department’s animal shelter also falls under the Field Services branch. The shelter has three full time and one part time employee, they also have twenty five volunteers. The department cares for over 600 impounded animals at their Laguna Beach Shelter. In addition the animal shelter staff are responsible for licensing pets in the city.
The other main branch of the Laguna Beach Police Department is Support Services, they are responsible for providing the functions that the uniformed officers need to do their jobs.
Support Services is also divided into several branches, including:
Investigations – This unit employs the department’s detectives, they are responsible for investigating serious crimes. There are eight sworn police officers and 4 civilian employs in the investigations section.
Communications – This unit receives 911 calls and dispatches officers to trouble spots. There are seven dispatchers employed in the communications section handling over 44 000 calls a year.
Records – The records section has five employees and two volunteers whose job is to prepare the necessary documentation for arrests and court cases. They also help the public when they need to obtain copies of police records.
Vehicle Fleet– Maintain the departments vehicles.
I.T. – Look after the departments computer network
Digital Evidence – This is the unit collects the digital evidence that is necessary to investigate many crimes these days.
Personnel – Handles the departments human resources needs.
Budget – responsible for determining how the department spends its money.
The Special Services branch also manages the Neighborhood Watch and D.A.R.E. programs. When necessary the officers in this branch may also be required to assist the field services branch with their policing duties.